The Talking Titans - Primary Section Event

The Talking Titans - Primary Section Event:

TALKING TITANS-22 (Primary Section)


The   ability to   speak   words   with   meaning…..



With an objective to

  • Develop children’s speaking skills.
  • Recite the poem with proper articulation and enunciation.
  • Build up a story based on a few pictures using the five elements and various literary devices.
  • Pair up and work in teams and cooperate with each other.


Talking Titans was organised on Friday, 11thMarch, 2022 for primary section students at MSB Educational Institute, Kolkata, in Fakhri Hall. The activity was conducted from 11:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for classes I–IV. Students participated in various activities. The judges for the activity were Miss Reshma Kauser and Miss Farida Electricwala.

The activity started with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. The students were pumped and eager to participate in various activities that would educate, brighten, and enlighten the young brilliant minds. Since in Talking Titans, each class had  different activities to participate in, like poem recitation, declamation, story building, and Reader’s Theatre, so students got an opportunity to express their views in front of the entire primary section with a new feel. These activities were based on speaking skills, wherein the students of Classes I, II, III, and IV expressed their feelings through performance. It was an amazing speaking activity where students spoke and portrayed their talent. For this activity, each class was given a set of rubrics that focused on their fluency, pronunciation, communication skills, and so on.

Students enthusiastically participated and enjoyed the activity. Among them, individual winners were chosen, and the story-building group was rewarded. It was learning in a fun way since it was the first activity for them in their offline classes. They learnt a lot and were able to develop their skills, and children are looking forward to such activities in the future as well.

  • Centre:MSB Kolkata
  • Date:11 Mar,2022

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